Understanding Copper
Technologies, Markets,Business
Acoording to our Readers: " The Reference Book for the Copper Industry". Already about 1300 copies sold with only positive responses.
The Book
The High Quality Book (Hardcover,Smooth Paper,written 2011) deals on about 375 pages with all parts of the value chain of copper, not only with the Technology, Recycling, the Properties, the Alloys but also with Copper Business, Copper Markets and Applications
Included is also a comprehensive Keyword Index
It is written in an Understandable Way from a former Member of the Executive Board of Aurubis, No company that deals with copper should be without it. It is also a good introduction for new employees who need to familiarize themselves comprehensively with the subject of copper.
Price is 92.08 € + (opt.)VAT and Shipping Costs. We ship to nearly every country
Ask for your Individual Offer - depending on Country and Number of Copies. Buy only directly from the Author
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The Author
The Autor has spent 30 years in the Copper Industry from R&D to a Member of the Executive Board of Aurubis
A Glossary of more than 200 Terms, which are important for the Copper Industry. Mainly taken from the book "Understanding Copper"